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The Verdict is in...

The Verdict is in...

By: Ariel @Prolotario1 on Twitter/X

Let The Games Begin 🏁

Wartime President

Active CIC (New Republic)


1871 US Corp Act Defunct

Corrupt Judge

No Crime Committed

Guilty Until Proven Innocent


Bought & Paid for Jurors

I mean if all of these things are running through your head at the moment.

You are one to now know what's on the other side of this verdict.

Now all past presidents can be arrested.

Now we can go after all who have committed "Crimes Against Humanity”.

Remember what the Democrats said?

"No One Is Above the Law".

This will come back to bite them in the ass in the most epic way.

 Now this is me.... (MrE)

Now, let's put things into perspective...

Trump did say, "Let them prosecute me and put me in jail.  This will open up Pandora's Box for everyone that ever committed the crime of Treason, Crimes Against Children and Persons.  How many past living Presidents (excluding Trump of course because he is innocent) have committed crimes listed in the EO's that President Trump signed while he was sitting President?  Every last one of them!  

Trump in the end will be found innocent of all charges, and everything that the Courts tried to prosecute him for, will be used to go after every living past President, every living current and past Senators and Congrees Members.  Do you see what this means?  

Things are going to start getting very wild, and very public.  98% of our sitting and living past Federal and State governmernt officials, Judges, DA's, County Sheriff's and local Police Chiefs, Mayors, Aldermen...etc, will all be arrested and will be charged accordingly for their crimes....not by peer Judges/DA, but by Military Tribunals.  Most will be found guilty of treason.  They will get a bullet, and that bullet will be sent to their family as a message of what will happen to them if they take the wrong (ciminal) path.

Mark this date on your calendar...PLEASE... Because if you think Ariel, RattleTrap1776, breb, all of the brebroom, The Parousia and Lin Wood are wrong now, we'll all just give you the knowing nod later.  Yep, just a nod, because it is below us to ridicule a fellow child of God.  We just had the good blessings from Jesus Christ to be awake at this time and place in history.

...and here is the real kicker...

We are all going to find out our TRUE History, not the one that was re-written by the soon to be past rulers and their evil minions in this earth.

Best you start really looking at every video, every arfticle, every meme, every forum post on this's just scratches the surface, but will give  you some insight on the wonderful things that will come into the light in the near future.

One last thing before I close up this article...  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!  Stop watching Mainstream Media...every single  Tel-a-lie-vision news channel is LYING TO YOU!

Find alternate news sources, and may I suggest starting on Telegram at The Breb Room.  From there you will find all the other channels you will ever need going forward when TRUTH reigns free.

Only together with Jesus Christ and The Truth is the Root exposed, Agenda revealed and Mark of the Beast denied. 
                                                                                                                                 The Parousia @DenyTheMark2020



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