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So you think we're getting a draft huh?

So you think we're getting a draft huh?

You want to know how of touch the normies actually are?

It’s “trending” on Facebook that “Congress” passed a Law for a Draft.

One, Congress is under a Continuity of Operations Plan that’s very much outlined in Federal Continuity Directives 1 and 2.

Two, there’s been 10 publications under those 2… the most recent being December 15, 2023.

The December 2023 publication is all and only about President Trump’s Executive Order 13961.

Not a SINGLE publication from January 20, 2021, to the most recent, Dec. 2023, has ONE piece of anything “Biden” in it.


How come the “sHitting President” doesn’t have ANYTHING in a Continuity of Government?

Because he’s not. That’s exactly what a Continuity of Operations Plan is.

When people do not know we’ve had a Selective Service… 🤦🏽

All the bill does is automatically register 18-26 year old males for Selective Service versus when I turned 18 and had to sign up.

It’s also to scare Soccer Moms and all these woke punks who don’t want to serve and have all kinds of opinions on military because everyone’s lived under federal corporation ideologies.

We won’t need a draft. We have too many Veterans like myself ready to roll… and there’s two entities who’ve yet to get involved if we needed them:

1. Bikers

2. Good Ole Boys

Between Veterans, and those two entities…

There won’t be a draft for years.

We’ve had Selective Service for years.

Stop following blue check idiots that don’t know what’s going on via  Legislation, Laws and Orders, much less simplicities of Government on all levels or Military.

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