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Congressional Salaries???

Congressional Salaries???

Talking about AOC assuming her position as a congressman as a former bartender with a congressional salary of 155,000 and a current net worth of 26 million as the issue to imply some sort of corruption.

The real issue is our congress is not supposed to be on salary anyway. So even without the questionable 26 million we still have a problem. Every person on Capitol Hill is supposed to be paid per diem.  Meaning hours worked.

Now you are dealing with another layer of that issue when you find out they also get to determine their salary as well. Then on top of that congress exempted itself from several laws that apply to the private sector and the executive branch.

What would those be?

Keeping workplace records.

Prosecution for Retaliating Against Employees.

The Freedom of Information Act.

Whistleblower Protections.

Subpoenas for Health and Safety Probes.


We do not even have to mention insider trading laws. We are dealing with political parasites here that is sucking the life out of the American people. Even without the added nefarious millions of dollars in their account we still are dealing with corruption.

The Founding Fathers of the United States had several reasons for initially wanting members of Congress to be paid on a per diem (daily) basis rather than an annual salary.

Here are the key reasons:

Prevention of corruption: They believed that a per diem system would help prevent corruption by ensuring that legislators weren't becoming wealthy from their positions.

Citizen legislators: The Founders envisioned a system of "citizen legislators" who would serve for a short time and then return to their regular professions, rather than career politicians. This is not supposed to be their primary job. Think about that.

Accountability: Per diem pay encouraged lawmakers to work efficiently and not unnecessarily prolong sessions, as they would only be paid for days they actually worked.

Fairness: It accounted for the varying lengths of congressional sessions and the different distances members had to travel from their home states.

Flexibility: The per diem system allowed for adjustments based on the economic conditions of the time without needing to change a fixed salary for them to survive. Being a congressman is not a ‘skill’!

Limited government: It aligned with their vision of a limited federal government, where serving in Congress was seen as a temporary duty rather than a long-term career. Now do you see where the issue really lies.  Take away the bribery and inside trading and we are back to square one.

Deterrent to lengthy sessions: They hoped it would discourage unnecessarily long legislative sessions, believing that a government that legislated less would interfere less with citizens' lives.

Think about those filibusters they like to do.

When did it all start, you ask?


When America became a corporation.

Hence the salary.

 Get it?

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