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Who's in charge?  Continuance of Government 101 (COG 101)

Who's in charge? Continuance of Government 101 (COG 101)

Give yourself a pat on the back for being awake…

Because the Mass majority of Americans who watch news…

They don’t see this and when they do…

They either don’t want to know what you know or call us “Conspiracy Theorists” for showing them real evidence and answers that are all under current and bipartisan Legislation.

Which is why America looks the way it looks… Microwave Society.

“Kamala” isn’t real but if she was… this proves she doesn’t have a clue what’s going on….


Why would sleepy Americans want a VP who has no clue what’s going on in the same days and week she says such?  🤣🤭

Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations ☑️

You're witnessing History take place and the Occupation lets you know it by tidbits of information drops in both speeches by "Biden" and 45. 

It had to be this way due to the microwave society, who has short attention spans and wants quick answers, until we can reach a place of putting emphasis back into people: the value of education... 

CIC DJT says in many speeches:

"We're going to tear down some bad and ugly buildings."

"We're going to build new cities, you will get to name them, the roads, etc."

You're in a new era of warfare whether you want to believe it or not.

It's all outlined in Laws and Orders, bipartisan Legislation.

The War Powers Act of 1973, amended from the War Powers Acts of 1941 and 1942, amended by Congress in 1973, outlines how the President can declare War.

On December 20, 2019, Section §1550 is most certainly a clause put in the Act for Military Use and Support of Partner Forces by who?

45.  (Trump)

Hence why I show the Foreign Aircraft operating daily and weekly in our Nation and ours in theirs.



"Biden" confirms this.

The SOTU speech: "In January 1941, Roosevelt"...

Roosevelt and 1941 is the LAST thing "Biden" (if he were real) should be quoting, because 1941 is when the First War Powers Act was established... 

👉🏻OPTIC and COMM: bringing awareness and attention to it.

And current Bipartisan Legislation shows the LAST AMENDED section of the War Powers Act of 1973 (amended from 1941) is dated December 20, 2019... 

Who was the President? (Hint...45)

Then in that Clause of the Section 1550 it says in the first 180-days and every 180-days thereafter.... 

The President (45) will report to Congressional Defense Committees the use of Military and Support of Partner Forces.

Title 50 Chapter 33 Section 1621 outlines how the President can declare war via a National Emergency....


Donald Trump declared 11 National Emergencies by Executive Orders.

There's a difference between an Executive Order and an Executive Order with a National Emergency.

Because why would "Biden" extend all 11 past their automatic 2-year termination date if they "didn't matter" or "this is what all Presidents do?"

Why would "Biden" extend the EO with NE for "Election Interference?"

The Executive Order with National Emergency is what enforces the Laws for Election Fraud, Interference, etc.

If there's evidence of fraud and interference from 2020... Why would "Biden" extend the very Order that would bust him? 

Is he going to indict himself too? 🤭🤣

Why not let it automatically terminate?

Termination 1601:,published%20in%20the%20Federal%20Register. (,published%20in%20the%20Federal%20Register)

The disconnect we have... is most Americans do not know the simple functionalities of how the system operates and the definitions of the system. 

Such as the 3 Branches of Government... 68% of 332 million Americans cannot simply say the 3 words:




Much less can they tell who writes the laws, passes and enforces the laws, and interprets the laws? 🚫

We have an educational problem and crisis in the United States. 

If 68% of 332 million cannot say the 3 words: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial...

How can they know and understand what a Military Occupation is and all it consists of? Same applies to a Continuity of Operations Plan?

Donald Trump is a Wartime President.

DJT is 46 in a Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations undoubtedly and undisputedly. 

Bipartisan Legislation and Federal and Military Laws and Orders outline such and how that's possible. 

And the HOW and WHY they’re undoubted and undisputed.

Those are not opinions or "because I want him to be"... 

Our Nation functions on LEGISLATION.

And LEGISLATION outlines an ongoing MO and COOP. 

Most Americans cannot comprehend it because their brains are wired for Microwaves want 30 second answers when it requires extensive reading and comprehension of layers of information.

Those same Americans claim to support the Military yet know nothing about the Military being separate from the Federal Government with its own Laws, Orders, Regulations, Customs, Publications etc.

Those same Americans are the ones who cannot name the 3 Branches but call you a "Conspiracy Theorist" when showing them the blueprint of the Continuity of Government invoked now called Continuity of Operations Plan. 

The same Americans have been programmed for short attention spans and to watch the "news" brought to you by a handful of "networks" yet never question who gave those people who established the networks the authority to be the "do all, end all"....

I could go on, and on, and on, and on... about the establishments. But the bottom-line question is... if you believe in systems of authority... Why don't you believe there's an entity of good people who knows how to question that authority and clean them out due to acts of evil?

There's most definitely an entity doing so....


What are the odds that the Coast Guard were sitting right on top of this?

When we are in War… the USCG operates under the DoD under the Dept of the Navy.

And what are the odds that the Army Corps of Engineers are being dispatched?

Army Corps of Engineers:

The Hill on the Army Corps:

And what are the odds that the Continuity of Operations Plans outlines all of these as the emergency response and management?

COOP Pages 6 and 11:

And check this…

11.3 million cars passed over the Francis Scott Key Bridge annually…


That’s 30,958 cars daily.

Which is 1,290 cars an hour…

Why was the Bridge under construction and the only cars on it were workers?


Or better yet… what is the Qoincidence that Chapter 11 of the Law of War Manual outlines the Military Occupation?

And 11.3 is the End of the Occupation Chapter? 

No Qoincidence.

Listen to 45 who is also 46.

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