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Dogman Encounters: A Step Into The Unknown

Dogman Encounters: A Step Into The Unknown

 Dogman Wisconsin

Story 1

In 2010, a couple, James and Linda, were driving home late at night through the rural backroads of Wisconsin. They had attended a family gathering and were eager to get back home. As they drove through a heavily wooded area, Linda suddenly noticed a pair of glowing yellow eyes in the darkness ahead. Initially, they thought it was a deer, but as they got closer, they realized it was something much larger.

The creature was standing on the side of the road, and as their car approached, it stepped onto the road, illuminated by the headlights. It stood on two legs and appeared to be about 7 feet tall, covered in dark, matted fur. Its face resembled a wolf, but its body was more humanoid, with broad shoulders and muscular arms that ended in clawed hands.

Terrified, James hit the brakes, but the creature lunged at the car, striking the hood and leaving deep gouges. The couple screamed as the creature snarled and bared its teeth, which were long and sharp. In a panic, James floored the accelerator, swerving around the creature and speeding down the road.

The creature pursued them, running at an incredible speed and occasionally leaping into the air, almost catching up to the car. Linda dialed 911, but the call was dropped due to poor reception. The chase continued for several miles until they finally reached a more populated area. The creature stopped its pursuit and disappeared back into the woods.

The couple reported the incident to local authorities, but their story was met with skepticism. However, they remained adamant about what they saw and the terror they experienced. They later found similar reports of Dogman sightings in the region, convincing them that they had encountered something supernatural.

The incident left them shaken, and they avoided traveling through that area at night ever again. The experience of being chased by the Dogman haunted them for years, a reminder of the unknown lurking in the shadows.

Dogman Missouri

Story 2

An Amazon driver was found dead in Excelsior Springs, Missouri, in what was initially reported as a dog attack. However, the circumstances surrounding the death suggest something more sinister. The incident occurred near several recent Dogman sightings along the Missouri River. In one sighting, a witness named Robbie Reigns reported seeing a large, dark gray creature with glowing eyes while driving with his family near Lexington, Missouri. This creature, believed to be a Dogman, was seen just 27 miles from where the Amazon driver was found dead.

The driver’s body was taken to a local funeral home, where the funeral director reportedly became ill after handling the remains, adding to the mystery. The incident has sparked discussions in the cryptozoological community, with many considering the possibility that the driver’s death was caused by a Dogman. Local residents have also reported other strange sightings and unexplained phenomena in the area.

These stories illustrate the fear and mystery surrounding the Dogman, a cryptid that has been increasingly reported in various parts of the United States. The idea of such a creature being responsible for a fatal encounter adds a terrifying dimension to the lore surrounding these sightings. If you're interested in learning more about these encounters, resources such as the North American Dogman Project and various paranormal podcasts can provide further insights.

Dogman Bonus

Story 3

In July 2016, a couple was driving home through the Manistee National Forest in Michigan. They were returning from a weekend getaway and had taken a scenic route through the forest to enjoy the tranquility. As night fell, they noticed a figure standing on the side of the road. Initially, they thought it was a person in need, so they slowed down to offer assistance.

As they got closer, they realized the figure was not human. It stood over seven feet tall, covered in dark, matted fur, with a head resembling that of a wolf but with disturbingly human-like eyes. The creature appeared to be observing them with an almost predatory curiosity. The couple, paralyzed with fear, could do nothing but stare back.

Suddenly, the creature moved. It dropped to all fours and began to circle their car, its movements fluid and unnervingly fast. The woman, in the passenger seat, whispered to her partner to keep driving, but he was too terrified to move. The Dogman then stood up again, towering over their vehicle, and placed a clawed hand on the hood of the car. The weight of its hand caused the car to tilt slightly, and they could hear the metal creaking under the pressure.

Finally snapping out of his trance, the driver floored the gas pedal. The car lurched forward, and the creature jumped back into the woods, disappearing from sight. The couple drove straight home without stopping, not even speaking to each other until they were safely inside their house. They reported the incident to the local authorities, but their account was met with skepticism.

In the days that followed, the couple experienced nightmares and an overwhelming sense of being watched. The woman's dog, usually calm, began barking incessantly at night, facing the windows as if sensing an unseen presence. They decided to leave the area temporarily, hoping the feeling would pass.

Weeks later, they returned home, only to find strange claw marks on their front door and deep scratches on the side of their car. They moved away shortly after, unable to shake the feeling of dread that had settled over them. To this day, they remain convinced that what they encountered was the legendary Dogman, a creature they had previously dismissed as folklore.

This story is just one of many that highlight the terror and confusion experienced by those who have come face-to-face with this mysterious cryptid. The Dogman continues to be a subject of fear and fascination, its existence hovering on the edge of belief and skepticism.

More of these stories can be found here:

Dogman Wisconsin Bonus


Rickie Sanchez stepped out of his house in rural Wisconsin into the cool night to look for a tool left in the backyard. Searching in the darkness, he was hit by an immense and nearly overpowering wave of primal fear. His senses sharpened as his fight-or-flight response went to full power. Something large walking on two legs came around the corner from his right rear. It ducked back and glared at him. As his pupils dilated, Rickie could see its long snout, pointed ears and massive frame.

Something told Rickie to quickly look to his front — he saw another. Scanning his surroundings, he noticed three more, all now maneuvering toward him.

Rickie, a corrections officer, has been through all the high-risk, high-threat training offered as a member of his prison’s emergency response unit. He also trains working dogs and maintains a kennel on his property. Better than most of us, he understands canine behavior and the predatory instincts of killers. Fortunately, for Rickie, that life experience kicked in as the five creatures surrounded him. He focused, calmed himself and assumed an assertive posture and mindset.

“Knock it off, I’m not running,” he said.

He spoke firmly and confidently, just as he would to an aggressive dog or inmate, and it worked. The creatures stopped and slowly retreated. So did Rickie — back into the safety of his house.


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