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FREE National Park Entry: Do not fall for this. Stay away!

FREE National Park Entry: Do not fall for this. Stay away!

This is the government we are talking about here folks!

You all have to understand what is currently going on in these underground tunnels. Check out Beer and Donuts class on Telegram.

Food is becoming scarce, and it looks like they are figuring out a way to get some to 'them'.

The government doesn't even care about the normal tax paying citizens that live in this country legally.

You Think they have a heart for mentally disabled people?

You go to prison just for trying to kick out squatters in your house.

In California you can be arrested by an illegal immigrant who got their license to drive and arrest you for free.

But you mean to tell me the government found a heart to make sure the National Park experience is not denied to anyone that is already looked down on by society?

Please think about this.

Being low on money is a natural deterrent to avoid going places. Due to the economy less people are going to these parks.

Remember, the government made a deal to where these things have free reign to do what they want in those areas (National Parks).

What happens when bears are low on food? They start going to more populated urban areas. Think about that.

Keep in mind the government does not want you to know these 'things' exist or came to be out there.

So, if no one is going to these parks. It means no food is coming in for these 'things'.

Which also means at some point these 'things' may be seen going to more populated areas. (Think about what happened in Pullman, WA a few months ago) (Another article with timeline here)This wasn't the guy they arrested for the murders.  I actually think the guy is AI. 

This is a Crawler ('thing') in the video.  Just like in National Parks.  There are also other'll have to do your own research on those.

news crawler













Not a National Park - a College...  Same as Pullman, WA.  Near National Forests and DUMB Entrances.
Her injuries were the same as reported on the Pullman College students.  


The military is cleaning out these places., which is one primary reason food is low.

When people go missing there is no national news headline or breaking news about how many go missing in these parks.  It is a persistent issue going on for years.

Think about it who's more likely to have problems getting away if they encounter these things?

What's that ole saying?

You do not have to be the fastest to get away from something. Just do not be the slowest. If you do not see the desperation in this announcement, I do not know what to tell you.

When something is given away for free by the government there is always a caveat that comes with underlying issues.  Especially under the Biden administration.

Society is way less forgiving when it comes to people that are disabled and mentally challenged. 

So, let's just send them to these parks as some experiment.

I gave you all enough info to know what really goes on in these parks.

David Paulides has an entire series dedicated to this topic called "The Missing 411". I suggest people get familiar with this if you haven't already.

Think about this....  The government wanted to charge David Paulides 1 million dollars to gain access to the large database of people that went missing in those National Parks.

If I have to tell you anything beyond that simple point as to why you should be cautious about going to these places I am convinced you are a functioning NPC.

Guess who else announced that they are opening their National Parks for free?  Canada. (No surprise)

Someone told me they found that The National Park Service (NPS) estimated that over 6,000 visitors go missing in National Parks each year, accounting for over 2,000 search and rescue missions.

I do not know how accurate this number is because they would never release this type of info to the public.

So they must of done some real digging to get that figure.  But the fact that they were charging six figures in order for anyone to gain access to it tells me the number is very high as to how many go missing in those parks.

People I can only inform you of what I know.

I am not here to play games with anyone.

You should know better how our government operates.

I gave you the actual person who was responsible as to where all those homeless people went in California when Xi came to visit Joe Biden last year.

They took them to a place underground that was located by those National Parks. It was NIH’s BSL-4 facility in Hamilton.

I cannot believe people still believe the government is not up to anything.  We know they are doing evil acts on humans 24/7.

They do not take any breaks trying to figure out ways to get rid of you.

Look at how they preyed on the homeless by luring them with the promise of free drugs & food and people to this day never saw or heard from them again. They all disappear within 24 hrs.

Final thoughts…

The government would never allow people to know that they may need weapons going into these National Parks because then people would question the why, if these places are supposedly safe.

I wouldn't go if I was allowed to carry a sawed off shotgun with two pistols and a flame thrower unless I was on some rescue mission looking for other idiots that actually went into these parks without any of that on them.

Please be safe if visiting National Parks!

By Ariel on Twitter/X

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