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What am I doing here?

What am I doing here?

Ok, so where do I start?


 Logo brightHow about I just go back to April 2017.  I've believed in speaking TRUTH way before that, but in April of 2017, I and a very large group of like-minded people started IRL Media Productions.  We later shortened it to IRL Media.  When I say we had a very large group, 75-80 people back then fully involved in putting together the topics of the day, researching, writing, editing, video name it, we ALL worked together.  However, as with all things our group started to disintegrate from within (partly), but mostly because we had a well-oiled machine, there were other people that wanted a piece of the pie (to eat the pie), after quietly hanging in the background and pseudo supporting us, they asked to do some joint ventures with us.   As we always did, we voted as a group.... Those people that were able to make it to these meetings (about 2/3+ at first) voted on allowing IRL Media to temporarily partner with other groups (back then it was mostly Discord) groups, or influencers from Twitter.  Some had YouTube channels already, some did not, but they were known for their research (i.e., Q post decoding). 

KLC WWG1WGA Ladies LGWe knew right off with certain people/groups that this would be a one- and only-time partnership...and some took so much offense that we began to get attacked.... before attacking anons was "cool"... ( was never cool, still isn't).  Anyway, after some time a certain group was allowed in to do a weekly show with our ladies...  You might remember MAGA Ladies.  That was the beginning to the end of IRL Media as we knew it.  That one show in particular was allowed to split off and do its own thing...basically the same stuff, but with a new YouTube Channel that supposedly wasn't shadow banned.  It didn't take long and those that were invited in began the take-over of MAGA Ladies...and get this...  They were huge Michael Flynn supporters.  Since Mikey was in jail at the time, his sister Barbara would come on and do shows with the ML.  Then Midnight Rider....and a few others.  MAGA Ladies was lost forever.  I gave permission to our lead MAGA Lady to shut it down....and it was.  Right around this time we started Verax Network.  Verax is Latin for  Truth in Speech or Speaking Truth

40000 Foot View Show

Shortly after, the 40,000-foot view had the same thing happen.  This was a different thing altogether...  A few that got in early started a slow and meticulous coup from within, but I and my co-owner Kilroy (RIP) shut it down quickly, but by this time because of the total mess the infiltrators made we were back to doing mainly three shows a week, then down to two, gained a third again, but then it was pretty much all she wrote.  I did a few MrE shows and had a few guests and a few people that stuck in there with me and with the MrE on America show we also did What The Health?.  A disagreement about a guest...not so much the guest himself, but the content, caused a rift, and that show too ended abruptly. 

 MrEOnAmericaPenelope was still in the mix, but had a radio show, so not as much time to dedicate, and then it was just MrE on America left.  I'd have more images to show, but my servers are packed away and I cannot access them for the moment.  


Due to some health issues, and an abrupt move back to my native state, I did maybe a half-dozen more shows, and I really let loose on the grifters...  Michael Flynn, WTM, David Rodriguez, Phil Godlewski, and a few others.  That sad thing was, our new channel was shadow banned, people were not getting notifications, and anytime I got a little too rough on the grifters, PAYtriots and traitors, YT started to shut me down...never a perma-ban, but for a month or two at a time.

At this point there was me and Patriot Roydie left.  I still had some of the old IRL Media crew that did the behind-the-scenes work, but rarely if ever went live, and if they did, I respected their anon status and didn't require them to be on camera...I knew them personally, so it was all good.

It has been about two years since I have not done any live streaming, BUT I am thinking hard about doing it again on a part-time as legit topics need to be talked about....and there are a lot of them.

So, in the meantime I have built this ( web site, made a forum at and have a future RV Site called Bar A RV Ranch built at the original IRLMediaHQ website.

I/we will continue to speak truth and reprove the liars, grifter and PAYtriots...oh yeah, and traitors, but for the time being it will be here and the forums.  

Once we begin building the RV Ranch, we will put up updated videos, and when it is in full swing, we'll be posting events videos, as well as doing live shows from our future studio.  We will cover topics related to the Bible and Jesus Christ, reproving the bad people, and keeping everyone up to date on our activities and up 'n coming events.  

Anyway, I don't have a voting/poll setup here for these blogs, but if you read this and are interested in what we will be doing in the very near future, and if you might want to contribute in time or hands on production please feel free to comment below.  I'd really like to hear from those of you who are getting on here.

As a reminder you can access every post and video on this site without an account, but if you want to upload videos and comment on videos and articles you will need to create an account with just an alias and a working email address.  You can easily create an account and register/validate yourself from the Home page.


Thanks and very happy to see you here!


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